Using PuTTY In Ubuntu Jaunty (9.04)

PuTTY is a GTK-based GUI client-interface for SSH connections and eases the setup for port forwarding, SSH public key authentication, and automated login.

$ sudo apt-get install putty

A user would run Putty to create the SSH tunnel (instead of the ssh command) and then run Krdc. Note that PuTTY security keys are not generally compatible with SSH security keys. I was not able to get PuTTY to work with Krdc.

Connect using SSH Agent
With SSH Agent you can automate the use of public key authentication and open an XDM or VNC session using a script. See this tutorial.

Setup an SSH server

Install the OpenSSH server:

$ sudo apt-get install openssh-server

Note: The OpenSSH server can also be installed when doing a server installation as an option from the LiveCD.
Note: An OpenSSH server can also be set up on a Windows server using Cygwin. See these instructions.

Limit authorized SSH users

See How to limit the user accounts that can connect through SSH.
OpenSSH Public Key Authentication

See this OpenSSH Public Key Authentication Tutorial.
In brief, it is necessary to generate a public / private key pair. On your client machine, generate the pair:


A prompt asks for a passphrase. If you wish to use SSH without a password from a secure client (to which no one but you has access), leave the passphrase blank. If you enter a passphrase, you will be asked for this passphrase each time you use the SSH client. By default, a 2048-bit RSA key pair is generated and stored in the /home/user/.ssh folder.

The private key is named id_rsa and is meant to stay in that folder. The public key is and is meant to be copied to the SSH server. On the SSH server, there is a similar folder /home/user/.ssh (for whichever user is hosting the SSH server). In that folder is a file called authorized_keys2. The contents of must be copied into that authorized_keys2 file. (You can use a text editor or can concatenate the files with the cat command).

To keep keys private, they should be accessible only to user, the owner of the file. For example,

$ chmod 600 /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa

This makes the file only accessible to user. You could also make the entire .ssh folder accessible only to user:

$ chmod 700 /home/user/.ssh

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Remote Computer With SSH On Ubuntu Jaunty (9.04)

Secure Shell or SSH is a network protocol that allows data to be exchanged over a secure channel (or "tunnel") between two computers. Encryption provides confidentiality and integrity of data. SSH client is installed by default in Ubuntu so you can connect to another computer that is running a SSH server.
From the command-line terminal

Install the OpenSSH client (if not already installed):

$ sudo apt-get install openssh-client

From the command-line Terminal type:

$ ssh -C @

Note: The -C option indicates compression, which speeds up transmission through the tunnel.
For example:

$ ssh -C


$ ssh -C mike@


$ ssh -C -l mike

Note: -l specifies the login id.

If the SSH server is listening on a port other than port 22 (the default), you can specify that in your connection (with the -p option). For example, if the SSH server is listening on port 11022, connect:

$ ssh -C


$ ssh -C -p 11022 -l joe.friday

If you have made a public/private key using ssh-keygen, the private key must be stored in /home/user/.ssh. The key should be accessible only to user

$ sudo chmod 600 /home/user/.ssh/identity


$ sudo chmod 600 /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa

To login with the key:

$ ssh -C -p 11022 -l joe.friday

Note: You can run the command as a menu item, but the command must be "run in terminal."
Port forwarding through SSH

See Using SSH to Port Forward for full details.
In brief, use

$ ssh -C -p -L :: -l

This specifies that any communications from your computer (localhost) going out through will be transmitted securely through the the SSH tunnel port. To use VNC through the tunnel, you would use an application like Krdc or Vinagre:

$ krdc vnc:/localhost:

Note that for VNC, the default is 5900. In general, a remote VNC server (such as Krfb) is also listening on the default 5900 as well. The default is 22, as discussed above. All these can be changed, however, if you desire greater security.

For me, I noticed that I had to set to be the internal LAN IP address of the remote computer (such as instead of the remote router's IP address, which is specified in <remote IP>. (If the remote computer has a static IP address (i.e. is directly connected to the Internet without an intervening router), then <remote computer> and <remote ip> would be the same.)

Example: For extra security, my SSH Server uses =11022. I want to VNC to a remote computer on a remote LAN with a router whose IP address is = The remote computer to which I want to connect has a static IP address within the remote LAN of = I have set up a Krfb VNC server on this computer that is listening on = 6912 (instead of the default 5900).

I setup port forwarding on the router of this remote LAN to forward port 6912 to this server computer. I want to VNC to this remote computer from my laptop, through the Internet. My laptop VNC client (Krdc) will use the default = 5900. My name is = joe.friday. This is my story.

ssh -C -p 11022 -L 5900: -l joe.friday
krdc vnc:/localhost:5900

If you have set up a private/ public key pair with a passphrase, or if your SSH server requires a passphrase, of course, you will be prompted for the passphrase after issuing the SSH command.

Note: Port forwarding assumes that the ports are also forwarded through the router(s) and through any firewalls. See the documentation for your router(s) and firewall to learn how to do this. The advantage of SSH tunneling is that only the needs to be open and forwarded by a router. All encrypted communications will go through your router using this single port. This is what makes the communications secure.

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Install Pulse Audio on Ubuntu Jaunty (9.04)

Jaunty has Pulse Audio version 0.9.14 and Pulse Audio Volume control 0.97 in the repositories. On my system I had to install them:

sudo apt-get install pulseaudio pavucontrol padevchooser

I then had to enable my user to belong to the pulseaudio groups:

System > User Manager > user -> Groups
check pulse pulse-access and pulse-rt

Configure Pulse Audio:

System > Settings > PulseAudio Preferences
Sound Audio preferences
I also had to set PulseAudio as my default sound system:

System > System Settings > Multimedia > Device Preference

Note: Unfortunately, not all programs like PulseAudio. Many programs require special plugins for PulseAudio. YMMV. Pulse Audio still has many bugs. Installing PulseAudio disables ALSA for many soundcards. You may end up with no sound at all if you install PulseAudio. If this happens you may have to uninstall it.

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Configure Dual Monitors with nVidia on Ubuntu Jaunty (9.04)

Make sure that the nVidia driver has been installed and is functioning properly on your first screen. Also, make sure both monitors are connected.

Open the command-line terminal Konsole and type:

 $ sudo nvidia-settings

Select "X Server Display Configuration".

You should see 3 boxes (2 if your card doesn't have an S-Video out). From here you can configure all of your card's outputs.

Check the "(Disabled)" box.

  • Select "Configure...".
  • The most common choice is TwinView. Select it.
  • Setup the desired screen resolutions and positions of your two active displays.
  • The new display will likely have resolution set to "Auto" to match your first. Change this if you wish.
  • Leave the first screen's position as "Absolute" and set your second display's position relative to that.
  • "Clone" means the same output on both.
  • Once you are satisfied with your settings, hit Apply to test them.
  • Note: if your displays are side-by-side, the kicker may extend across both screens as well as any maximized applications. This will be corrected when the X server is restarted.
  • f everything else is ok, hit "Save to X Configuration File". Now hit Ctrl+Alt+Backspace to restart X. You now have 2 screens!
  • The NVIDIA X Server Settings application can be also found in K -> System Settings to change settings later, but this does not always work because settings need to be changed as the root user.)
  • Troubleshooting: if the X server fails to reload you can recover your old X configuration. In a terminal:

$ sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf

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Installation of ATI and nVidia Graphics drivers On Ubuntu Jaunty (9.04)

nVidia Driver

If you have problems with nVidia drivers after upgrading, check this guide for solutions to common problems with nVidia.
Please make a backup of xorg.conf before following this method.

Install the nvidia-settings package:

$ sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings

Download nVidia driver and place it at your home directory. After downloading, close all open windows and press F1. Log in and enter password and then just connect to the internet. Press F2, kill gdm or kdm season by entering sudo killall , example:

$ sudo killall gdm

Install the nvidia driver. Make sure you are in the nvidia driver directory. If you downloaded it and placed it on the Desktop, make sure to change directories first.

$ cd Desktop

To install it, enter /NVIDIA-Linux-x**-***.** For example, if you downloaded Nvidia version 173.80:

$ sudo sh

choose yes to any verbose response. After you are finished installing the driver, reboot your computer.

$ sudo reboot
ATI Driver

If you have problems with ATI drivers after upgrading, check this link for solutions to common problems with ATI.
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Reconfigure xserver-xorg On Ubuntu Jaunty (9.04)

S sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg


Before installing any driver for ATI or nvidia, please make backup xorg.conf before following this method.

$ sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /home/user

If you have edited this file but would like it to be automatically updated again, run the following command:

$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg

If you want to try this xorg.conf after installing the driver, you must back up your xorg.conf as following. And then, edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf in text editor. Add or modify this xorg.conf sample.

xorg.conf for nvidia
Section "Screen"
Identifier "Default Screen"
Device "Configured Video Device"
Monitor "Configured Monitor"
SubSection "Display"
Depth 16
Modes "1280x1024" "1024x768"
Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"

Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"
Defaultdepth 24
Section "Module"
Load "glx"
Load "GLcore"
Load "v4l"
Section "Device"
Identifier "Configured Video Device"
Boardname "vesa"
Busid "PCI:1:0:0"
Driver "nvidia"
Screen 0

Section "Device"
Identifier "Device0"
BoardName "Generic Geforce 5500"
Driver "nvidia"
Vendorname "NVIDIA Corporation"
Option "DualHead" "1"
Option "ShadowFB" "1"
Option "FPScale" "1"
Option "TwinView" "True"
Option "TwinViewOrientation" "RightOf"
Option "UseEdidFreqs" "True"
Option "Metamodes" "1024x768,1024x768"
Option "UseDisplayDevice" "DFP"

Section "Device"
Identifier "Videocard0"
Driver "nv"
VendorName "NVIDIA Corporation"
BoardName "GeForce 7600 GT"

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Generic Keyboard"
Driver "kbd"
Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
Option "XkbLayout" "us"

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Configured Mouse"
Driver "mouse"
Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "Default Layout"
screen 0 "Default Screen" 0 0

Section "Extensions"
Option "Composite" "Enable"

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Mounting NTFS Partitions (with read/write privileges) on Ubuntu Jaunty (9.04)

Find out the name of your ntfs partition:

$ sudo fdisk -l

Method 1: In this example, the NTFS drive is listed by fdisk as /dev/sda2, but yours may differ.
Make a mount point for the drive:

$ sudo mkdir /media/WindowsNTFS

Edit fstab:

$ sudo nano /etc/fstab

Comment out the automatically added lines by Ubuntu installation:

#/dev/sda2 auto nouser,atime,noauto,rw,nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 0
#/dev/sda2 /mnt auto user,atime,noauto,rw,nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 0

and instead add the line:

/dev/sda2 /mnt/WindowsNTFS ntfs-3g quiet,defaults,rw 0 0

Note: There are many ways to mount the drive, depending on your needs. The fstab file controls this process. See How to edit and understand fstab and Intro to using fstab.
In this example, I indicated that the file system was an ntfs-3g filesystem, so did not use the auto option (which detects the filesystem automatically). I used rw to specify read/write privileges for all users, but umask=0 and umask=000 are accepted by some kernels.

Method 2: Edit fstab:

$ sudo nano /etc/fstab

When Ubuntu installation finishes, it mounts all ntfs partitions automatically with ntfsprogs, adding a line similar to the following to fstab:

UUID=8466268666267956 /media/sda1 ntfs defaults,gid=46 0 1
Change this line to:
UUID=8466268666267956 /media/sda1 ntfs-3g defaults,nls=utf8,locale=zh_CN.UTF-8,rw,gid=46 0 1

In this example, I have a Chinese-language Windows installation on my first partition, so I set the locale parameter (locale=zh_CN.UTF-8) so that my Chinese documents can display correctly. Setting rw (same as umask=0 or umask=000) lets me read/write the partition without sudo. gid=46 specifies that the drive will belong to the group of hot-pluggable devices (plugdev) and is not necessary unless your ntfs drive is a hot-pluggable one (such as an external USB drive). nls=utf8 is the default and is optional for most ntfs users, but there are other options for Chinese (and other specialized character-set users).

Mounting FAT32 Partitions

Follow the above instructions, but use vfat instead of ntfs-3g.
In other words, if you have made a mount point directory /mnt/WindowsFAT32 and your FAT32 drive is /dev/sda3, then edit the /etc/fstab file to include the line:

/dev/sda3 /mnt/WindowsFAT32 vfat quiet,defaults,rw 0 0

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Install And Configuration Web Content Filtering On Ubuntu Jaunty (9.04)

DansGuardian provides web filtering capability, similar to NetNanny. It is useful for limitng objectionable content in publicly accessible workstations, or for filtering objectionable content for younger users. It integrates with ClamAV, and uses several criteria for filtering websites (which is difficult to modify). It is used with Tinyproxy (best for individual users) or the Squid proxy (best for a network server). Install:

$ sudo apt-get install dansguardian tinyproxy


$ sudo apt-get install dansguardian squid

See these installation instructions for setup details. In brief,
  • Edit the dansguardian configuration file:
sudo nano /etc/dansguardian/dansguardian.conf

comment out the UNCONFIGURED line:
If using tinyproxy instead of Squid, change the proxyport to 8888:
proxyport 8888

  • Reinstall dansguardian:
$ sudo apt-get install --reinstall dansguardian
  • Set your browser to use the localhost:8080 proxy. For example, in Firefox:
  • Firefox -> Edit -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Network -> Settings
  • Manual proxy configuration -> HTTP proxy: localhost -> Port: 8080
  • A Webmin module is available to administer settings. Also, a GUI to change Dansguardian settings called Webstrict is in development.

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Install Oracle Calendar Desktop On Ubuntu Jaunty (9.04)

The Oracle Calendar Desktop Client is proprietary calendaring software for use with Oracle groupware/database systems.

Download Oracle Calendar Desktop Client:

$ wget


$ tar -xvf cal_linux_1011.tar.gz

Change into the extracted files directory:

$ cd OracleCalendar_inst/

Prepare the files:

$ mv cal_linux cal_linux.bak; cat cal_linux.bak | sed "s/export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL/#xport LD_ASSUME_KERNEL/" > cal_linux; rm cal_linux.bak

Change permissions:

$ chmod +x cal_linux

Start the GUI installer:

sudo sh

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Install and Configuration Groupware Servers Using Kolab On Ubuntu Jaunty (9.04)

Groupware Servers

Groupware servers are meant to operate on a server platform. You must install the server version of Ubuntu/Ubuntu first. Read Servers.

Kolab is the most comprehensive open-source groupware solution available and is distributed as a multi-platform solution. (It integrates easily with both Ubuntu (including Evolution) and KDE/Kubuntu (including Kontact).) It is free and open source with a GPL license (unlike other groupware solutions), yet enterprise support is also available. It is scalable to large organizations and is Outlook (MS-Exchange) and Mozilla compatible. This is a German package, however, and documentation in English is limited, which can make installation challenging. The Kolab website provides its own instructions for installation from source (currently v. 2.2). In brief:

Install the compiler and other necessary stuff:

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential

Make a directory for the Kolab installation and make it universally accessible:

$ sudo cd / $ sudo mkdir /kolab $ sudo chmod 777 /kolab

Optional: If you wish to mount kolab in its own partition, then create a new partition (using Gparted, for example). Figure out the device name of your extra partition: 

$ fdisk -l It should be something like /dev/sda3

Mount /dev/sda3 (or whatever your partition is) as /kolab by editing /etc/fstab:

$ sudo nano /etc/fstab

and adding the line:
/dev/sda3 /kolab ext3 defaults,rw 0 0
then reboot and make sure there are no errors.

Make a directory into which to download kolab:

$ mkdir /kolabtmp

Download all the current Kolab files:

$ cd /kolabtmp $ wget -r -l1 -nd --no-parent

Install Kolab (as root using sudo -s):

$ sudo -s $ sh 2>&1 | tee kolab-install.log

Reboot your system.

Stop Kolab services and run the configuration utility:

$ sudo /kolab/bin/openpkg rc all stop $ sudo /kolab/sbin/kolab_bootstrap -b

Obviously, you should know all your details, such as your fully qualified host name, domain details, etc., before doing this step. If you are not familiar with OpenLDAPand LDAP basics, you should learn about it, as Kolab uses the slapd OpenLDAP server daemon.

Restart all Kolab services:

$ sudo /kolab/bin/openpkg rc all start

Login to the web administrator interface using "manager" and the password you set at bootstrap configuration:

Kolab Debian package

There is an Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Debian package for Kolab (v. 2.1), but no support for it exists. In fact, it is due to be removed from the Debian packages because of this lack of support. The installation instructions are included below for reference, and if you have success installing from the package, please add the steps you took to make it work.

$ sudo apt-get install kolabd kolab-webadmin

To reconfigure setup after the original installation, stop all web services:

$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop $ sudo /etc/init.d/kolabd stop  
$ sudo /etc/init.d/kolab-cyrus stop $ sudo /etc/init.d/postfix stop $ sudo /etc/init.d/saslauthd stop  
$ sudo /etc/init.d/slapd stop

and then start the Kolab bootstrap setup:

$ sudo kolab_bootstrap -b

and proceed with configuration for your server/domain. Then restart all the services (e.g. sudo /etc/init.d apache2 start).

Kolab uses its own server components, and it is best to run Kolab on a dedicated server. However, it is possible to run other servers on the same machine, as long as you choose alternate ports if the server modules conflict.

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DVD Playback Capability On Ubuntu Jaunty (9.04)

To play encrypted DVDs, the libdvdcss2 package is essential. libdvdcss2 is a simple library designed for accessing DVDs like a block device without having to bother about the decryption. More information about this package can be found at VideoLAN.
You can install libdvdcss2 as a 64-bit .deb package without installing the Medibuntu repositories:

$ wget -c

$ sudo dpkg -i libdvdcss2_1.2.10-0.2medibuntu1_amd64.deb

or a 32-bit .deb package:

$ wget -c

$ sudo dpkg -i libdvdcss2_1.2.10-0.2medibuntu1_i386.deb

You can also use guidelines provided at Medibuntu. This will install the Medibuntu repositories on your system and then install the libdvdcss2 package:

$ sudo wget --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2

You can also install 32 bit or 64 bit Windows multimedia codecs (if you haven't already done so using ubuntu-restricted-extras):

$ sudo apt-get install w32codecs


$ sudo apt-get install w64codecs

Instead of downloading directly from Medibuntu, you could also use the script included with the libdvdread4 package to download and install libdvdcss2:

$ sudo apt-get install libdvdread4
$ sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/

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Install RSSOwl in Ubuntu Jaunty (9.04)

RSSOwl is a Java-based RSS | RDF | Atom Newsfeed Reader. These installation instructions only work with RSSOwl version 1_2_3.
In order to use the internal browser, install first the packages xulrunner and firefox , either via Synaptic Manager or by typing this command into Terminal:

$ sudo apt-get install firefox xulrunner

Change to your "opt" directory:

$ cd /opt

Download the tar.gz-archive into your opt directory:

$ sudo wget

Extract the archive and remove the extracted file:

$ sudo tar zxvf ./rssowl_1_2_3_linux_bin.tar.gz && sudo rm ./rssowl_1_2_3_linux_bin.tar.gz

Make a startscript:

$sudo nano /usr/bin/

and add the following lines to your starter-script file /usr/bin/
export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/usr/lib/xulrunner

$ cd /opt/rssowl_1_2_3_linux_bin
$ ./

Make the startscript executable:

$ sudo chmod u+x /usr/bin/

Now you always can start RSSOwl:
After having started the application "RSSOwl":
Go to > View and enable "View Newstext in Browser".
Then go to > Tools > Preferences... > General and enable in misc-section "Open any news automatically in browser".
Go to > Tools > Preferences... >Browser and enter the path to the executable (my path was /usr/lib/firefox/firefox). Finally enable “use external browser” at the bottom.

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Install Google Earth On Ubuntu Jaunty (9.04)

Google Earth gives you an annotated eagle's eye view of our planet. This is a free proprietary package (you must accept the license to use this package).

$ sudo apt-get install googleearth-package $ make-googleearth-package --force

Doubleclick on the resulting .deb file.
-- or --
To install the latest Linux binary, download and save the GoogleEarthLinux.bin package from Google Earth downloads. Then install:

$ chmod +x GoogleEarthLinux.bin $ ./GoogleEarthLinux.bin


Applications > Internet > Google Earth 3D planet viewer You should turn off the Google Earth > View > Atmosphere setting, or you might see clouds everywhere and the ground won't show up.


If Google Earth opens, shows the splash screen, and then crashes, you’re probably experiencing a common issue. Running ~/google-earth/googleearth in a terminal will show this error: ./googleearth-bin: relocation error: /usr/lib/i686/cmov/ symbol BIO_test_flags, version OPENSSL_0.9.8 not defined in file with link time reference

To fix this, browse to the folder you installed Google Earth into. By default this will be google-earth in your home folder. Find the file and rename it to something else, like Google Earth should now start correctly.

$ cd ~/google-earth $ sudo mv $ sudo ln -s /usr/lib/ ~/google-earth/

(Note: You can also specify /home/user/google-earth instead of ~/google-earth ).

For other issues, see the Ubuntu help pages on Google Earth.
Uninstall Google Earth

To uninstall run the uninstall shell script located in the /home/user/google-earth folder (or whichever folder you installed google-earth into) or you can use Application Computer Janitor. Go to System > Administration > Computer Janitor!

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Install Wbar In Ubuntu Jaunty (9.04)

Wbar is a quick-launch bar (not a dock) that has an appearance similar to Avant Window Manager and Cairo Dock. It is GTK (Gnome) based but can work in all desktop environments. It does not require a compositing manager to be installed and is therefore quicker and more suitable for low-end hardware systems. It is the default in the Google gOS desktop and is available as a .deb package from Google. Download and install (from the command-line Terminal):

$ wget

$ sudo dpkg -i wbar_1.3.3_i386.deb

Start wbar with custom start options (e.g. by pressing alt+F2). Here is an example:

$ wbar -isize 48 -j 1 -p bottom -balfa 40 -bpress -nanim 3 -z 2.5 -above-desk

Here is another example:

$ wbar -above-desk -pos bottom -isize 60 -nanim 1 -bpress -jumpf 0.0 -zoomf 1.5

For a full list of command-line startup options, see:

$ wbar --help

Tip: If you want the "wave" effect just increase the -nanim value. I like the icons to just pop up so I don't use it, but with 9 icons 5 there is a nice "wave" effect.

Obviously, you could create a menu item with the command line options (similar to the examples above), or a batch file that can be automatically started at system startup (as a cron event or startup session).

You can also change wbar startup options by editing the configuration file:

$ sudo gedit /usr/share/wbar/dot.wbar

See this example configuration file. However, not all options are able to be set from the configuration file and must be run from the command line. For more info see this wbar guide.


A simple wbar configuration utility can be downloaded as a .deb package and installed:

$ wget

$ sudo dpkg -i wbarconf_0.7.2-1_i386.deb

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Create Encrypted Directory in Ubuntu Jaunty (9.04)

Setup Your Encrypted Directory

Install ecryptfs-utils

1. $ sudo apt-get install ecryptfs-utils
2. Setup your private directory ecryptfs-setup-private
3. Enter your login password, and either choose a mount pass phrase or generate one.
4. Logout, and Log back in to establish the mount

Use Your Encrypted Directory

After logging back in, all content of any files or folders you write in ~/Private will be encrypted when written to the disk, in the hidden directory ~/.Private.

Storing Your Keys, Email and other Data in ~/Private

It can be a good idea to move the content of your .evolution/, .ssh/ and .gnupg/ in ~/Private and replacing them with a symlink.

1. Make sure that the application whose data you want to protect (e.g. Firefox or Evolution) is not running

ps -ef | grep evolution 

2.Move the application's data directory (e.g. ~/.mozilla or ~/.evolution) into your ~/Private directory

$ mv ~/.evolution ~/Private

3. Establish a symbolic link from the old location to new location

$ ln -s ~/Private/.evolution ~/.evolution

Using in conjunction with Auto-login

Automatic, password-less desktop logins will yield an un-mounted ~/Private directory. This is quite deliberately by design, ensuring that you must enter a password to access the encrypted data in the ~/Private directory.

If you use the ecryptfs-setup-private from ecryptfs-utils version 53-1ubuntu13 or beyond, if you open your ~/Private folder in Nautilus or Konqueror, you should see two files, README.txt, and "Access Your Private Data". If you click on "Access...", you will be prompted for your login password and your private data will be accessible.

If you created your ~/Private directory with an older version of ecryptfs-utils, you will need to manually establish a symlink for the "Access Your Private Data" icon. Here's how:

1. Update to the latest ecryptfs-utils package

$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
2.Ensure that ~/Private is not mounted

$ ecryptfs-umount-private

3. Establish the links in your unmounted ~/Private

$ cd ~/Private && sudo ln -sf /usr/share/ecryptfs-utils/ecryptfs-mount-private.txt README.txt && sudo ln -sf /usr/share/ecryptfs-utils/ecryptfs-mount-private.desktop Access-Your-Private-Data.desktop
Recovering Your Data Manually

These steps should only be required in unusual, or emergency circumstances, when you must manually mount your encrypted ~/Private directory to recover your data. You can use this to mount your data if it's backed up on a different system, or using a LiveCD, as long as it is running at least the Linux 2.6.26 kernel.

1. Mount using sudo:

$ sudo mount -t ecryptfs /home/username/.Private /home/username/Private

Selection: 3 (use a passphrase key type)
Passphrase: (Enter the mount passphrase you recorded when you setup the mount--this passphrase is different from your login passphrase.) Selection: aes (use the aes cipher)
Selection: 16 (use a 16 byte key)
Enable plaintext passthrough: n

Assuming you entered your passphrase correctly, you should be able to temporarily access your data at /home/username/Private . Since you are using superuser privileges instead of your regular user account, you may get a warning that you might have entered the passphrase wrong, even if you didn't:

WARNING: Based on the contents of [/root/.ecryptfs/sig-cache.txt], it looks like you have never mounted with this key
before. This could mean that you have typed your
passphrase wrong.

It is safe to ignore this warning.

Recovering Your Mount Passphrase

In the event that you did not write down your mount passphrase, you may be able to recover it by decrypting the file ~/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase using your login passphrase.
ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase ~/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase "login passphrase" It's a good idea to clear your shell history at this point to erase your login passphrase

$ history -c

If your login passphrase matches the passphrase used to encrypt the wrapped-passphrase file, your mount passphrase will be written to screen. Record and protect this data accordingly.

If you have lost your wrapped-passphrase file, and you did not record your mount passphrase, it is impossible to access your encrypted data.

How to Remove an Encrypted Private Directory Setup

Perhaps an Encrypted Private Directory is not for you. To remove this setup:

1. Ensure that you have moved all relevant data out of your ~/Private directory
2. Unmount your encrypted private directory

$ ecryptfs-umount-private

3. Make ~/Private writable again

$ chmod 700 ~/Private

4.Remove ~/Private, ~/.Private, ~/.ecryptfs

$ rm -rf ~/Private ~/.Private ~/.ecryptfs

5. Uninstall the utilities

$ sudo apt-get remove ecryptfs-utils libecryptfs0

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Install Additional Compiz Plugins in Ubuntu 8.10

This guide is for Ubuntu users have a 8.10 and Compiz 0.7.8. To use any of the Compiz from 0.7.8 is not recommended to use this guide.

To check the version of compiz, open Terminal and type the code as follows:

compiz - version

To use Compiz plugin, you need another package. And please go to terminal type in the code as follows:

$ sudo apt-get install compiz-fusion-bcop compiz-dev compizconfig-settings-manager build-essential libtool libglu1-mesa-dev libxss-dev libcairo2-dev git-core

You want to create a new direktory with the code as below:

$ mkdir-p ~ / compiz /

Plugin that you can install is as below. Make sure you are in directory ~ /compiz/ (cd compiz)


git clone git: / /
git clone git: / /
git clone git: / /
git clone git: / /
git clone git: / /
git clone git: / /
git clone git: / /
git clone git: / /
git clone git: / /
git clone git: / /
git clone git: / /
git clone git: / /
git clone git: / /
git clone git: / /
git clone git: / /
git clone git: / /
git clone git: / /
git clone git: / /

Make sure you compile the plugin one by one you have now been GIT. Change directory in the ~ /compiz/directory and in the GIT was also td. For example:

$ cd ~ /compiz/snow

Take the last paragraph of each of GIT.

To compile it also, you must be in direktory you want to compile. If not, will not compile to.
How to compile after you enter in direktory is as under:

$ make clean
$ make
$ make install

Create a line by one line.

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Permission Remove Trash Files in Ubuntu

have problems with your trash in ubuntu, does not want the file deleted, Permission denied warning appears,

this solution:
entrance to the terminal, type:

$ sudo chmod-R 755 ~ /.local/share/Trash/files/

then, empty your trash folder again, and feel the difference

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Install Back Track One Partiotion In Ubuntu

First you must install ubuntu, if not already installed. Ubuntu does not have to do, which is important grub boot loader.
Next, backtrack booting with the cd, at the boot selection mode, press tab to see a cheatcode (boot parameters). Copy lwngkap with all the details. I choose the BT3 Graphics Mode (KDE). If you like fluxbox, select the fluxbox.

/boot/vmlinuz vga = 0x317 initrd = /boot/ initrd.gz ramdisk_size = 6666 root = /dev/ram0 rw autoexec = xconf; kde

If the copy is complete, restart the computer and log in to ubuntu.
Login as root to make it more easy, wat through the terminal. Copy the contents backtrack 3 cd laitu boot and BT3 folders to the root directory (/). wat kn seme with the boot folder is ubuntu? Rename the folder boot backtrack, ie its btboot. Hmm, now fill in the down / so the gross, never mind. Do we need to run in btboot as to install the flash? No need to, the following action was foolish and will remove the hard disk MBR.

Now, open the file /boot/grub/menu.lst, look at this line:

title Ubuntu 8:10 Intrepid Ibex, kernel 2.6.27-7-generic
uuid xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
kernel / boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-7-generic root = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ro quiet splash
initrd / boot/initrd.img-2.6.27-7-generic

copy of this paper and place the two lines below. And change based on information from the boot parameters backtrack.

title Back | Track 3 Final [test mode]
kernel /btboot/vmlinuz root = /dev/ram0 ramdisk_size = 6666 rw autoexec = xconf; kde
initrd / btboot/initrd.gz

xxx that I write is actually a list of numbers and letters as the identity partition. You can change the /dev/sda1, for example, and delete the line uuid. I see that the parameters are collected in the kernel, then I put in the boot parameters backtrack the same line. You see a persamaanya? vmlinuz-2.6.27-7generic property vmlinuz ubuntu and slax property. Sure that the same thing. Write a suitable location, eg under the earlier btboot folder. Similarly in the initrd file, backtrack also have the same namanye. I still write ramdisk_size = 6666 due to still akan backtrack this way as a livecd.

Now restart and cuba podići through these new options. You will get a backtrack live cd is running without the cd. If it fails, for example, do not panic, you may be wrong. please check back. The same may be done with slax distribution, distribution of the same backtrack.

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Facebook Chat Using Pidgin Plugin On Ubuntu

I find a way in facebook chat with pidgin, pidgin is the default application for Ubuntu mesenger matter how curious, and I can finally try:

- Download the application first pidgin facebook chat application that bertipe. Deb or download here
- Install the application after downloading.
- Pidgin you run the application, here I use Ubuntu 8.10. then specify the protocol facebook.
- And then fill in the username & password you facebook, the withdrawal to login to your facebook usual.
- Don't forget to save .. if successful it will look like out the picture below
P { margin-bottom: 0.08in } -->
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Easy To Internet With WICD Network Manager On Ubuntu

Wicd is an open source wired and wireless network manager for Linux which aims to provide a simple interface to connect to networks with a wide variety of settings.

Some of Wicd's features include:
1.No Gnome dependencies (although it does require GTK), so it is easy to use in XFCE, Fluxbox, Openbox, Enlightenment, etc.
2.Ability to connect to wired and wireless networks
3.Profiles for each wireless network and wired network
4.Many encryption schemes, some of which include WEP/WPA/WPA2
5.Remains compatible with wireless-tools
6.Tray icon showing network activity and signal strength

If you are using Ubuntu Jaunty (not currently released), Wicd is in the universe repository.Installing Wicd in Ubuntu is very simple. You just have to add the Wicd repository to the Ubuntu package manager. To open the package manager in Gnome, go to terminal and type

$gedit /etc/apt/sourceslist.d

and add this line

deb hardy extras

where gutsy is your version of Ubuntu in lowercase (dapper, edgy, feisty, gutsy, hardy, intrepid). You'll also need to add the key used for signing Wicd by running the following command in a terminal:

$ wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add –

Now, click Reload, and wait while the package lists are downloaded. Now, search for "Wicd", and right click on it. Select Install, then press Apply, and Wicd will automatically be downloaded and installed for you. This will also keep you automatically up to date with the latest and greatest version of Wicd. Please note that this will remove network-manager, which is the default GNOME network manager and may cause loss of network connection temporarily.


If Wicd fails to connect after you install it, make sure that the only entry in your /etc/network/interfaces file is

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

You can change the contents of this file by pressing alt + f2, then typing

$ gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces

if you are using Gnome, or replace gedit with kate if you are using KDE. This will allow you to view and edit the /etc/network/interfaces.You can ignore lines that start with #.


If you are using a desktop environment without a notification area, you can run the Wicd GUI by running

$ wicd-client –n

If you are using a desktop environment with a notification area, you can start the tray icon by running

$ wicd-client

If you are using a desktop environment such as GNOME or KDE, you can start the Wicd GUI by opening the Application

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Recover Username and Password and Fix Grub 21 Error in Ubuntu

Recovering Your forgotten username and password

If You just installed Ubuntu and forgot what password you selected during the installation process or one of your friend gave you ubuntu computer without giving username and password.This tutorial will help you to recover username and password

1) Turn on your computer, and as soon as you the Press Esc to enter grub message, press the escape key.
2) Select the option that says (recovery mode).
3) Your PC will boot into a shell. Once you get a command prompt, type “passwd username” where the username is your username. If you can’t remember your username, then you can type “ls /home” which should bring it up.
4) Enter a new password when prompted, and again when prompted again Type “shutdown -r now” to reboot your system,

That’s it. You should now be able to login with your new password.

Fix Grub 21 Error in Ubuntu


I’ve just tried installing Ubuntu but when it restert for the first time, GRUB returns an Error 21. I know this means that it can’t find the grub.conf file, but I don’t know how to fix this. I used Windows XP’s Recovery Console to get back into XP, but I can’t access the GRUB files.

1. Boot your computer up with Ubuntu CD
2. Open a terminal window or switch to a tty.
3. Go SuperUser (that is, type “sudo -s”). Enter root passwords as necessary.
4. Type “grub
5. Type “find /boot/grub/stage1″. You’ll get a response like “(hd0,1)”.
Use whatever your computer spits out for the following lines.
6. Type “root (hd0,1)”, or whatever your hard disk + boot partition numbers are for Ubuntu.
7. Type “setup (hd0)”, to install GRUB to MBR, or “setup (hd0,1)” or whatever your hard disk + partition nr is, to install GRUB to a partition.
8. Quit grub by typing “quit”.
9. Reboot and remove the bootable CD.

Note:- In the above procedure hd0,1 is an example it might be different in your case.

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Ubuntu Printer Sharing With Windows XP Client

Before we assume that the printer is running on Ubuntu. Sharing that printer can be accessed using a Windows machine as the client can use Samba. So for the first time we first check whether samba package already installed on the system.

$ sudo apt-cache search samba

If you already installed it will appear:

$ samba - a LanManager-like file and printer server for Unix
$ samba-common - Samba common files used by both the server and the client
$ samba-dbg - Samba debugging symbols
$ samba-doc - Samba documentation
$ samba-doc-pdf - Samba documentation (PDF format)
$ smbclient - a LanManager-like simple client for Unix
$ smbfs - mount and umount commands for the smbfs (for kernels> = than 2.2.x)

if not installed use the command:

$ sudo apt-get install samba smbfs

When the can is already installed, be directly edit the file /etc/samba/smb.conf:

$ sudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf

edit or add the following line:

# add in the [General]:
printcap name = cups
printing = cups
security = share

# Add in the [printers]:
browseable = yes
printable = yes
public = yes
create mode = 0700
guest only = yes
use client driver = yes
path = /tmp

then save the changes and restart samba service with the command:

$ sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart

See the results from the Windows XP client with the addition of a printer, enter control panel/ printers/add the network printer. Browse the network printer. Then follow the steps to live as normal printer settings.


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Build Virtualhost with Rapache in Ubuntu 8.10

You may already know, the use of a virtual host to set the number of websites on the server machine 1 or 1 Ip-public. Haruslakukan is to add to the packages into the system and configure it (in this case certainly is apache). By configuring the file /insert text etc/apache2/http.conf virtual host you want, for example as follows:

CustomLog/home/try/log/test.log combination

However, it becomes a little difficult for new users for Linux, who want to try to configure the server using apache virtual hosts. However you want to try that, Rapache can be used as a tool.

Rapache ... is a graphical user tool that serves to configure apache2 with modules. He offers the GTK hsal this interface can facilitate user to create a Virtual Host in a few clicks. And enable all modules without a deep knowledge about the configuration of the command line.

Features available at this time: - manage Vhost- host virtual normalization to meet the Debian policy - managing Module - Syntax highliting appear when confs source

Features that will add in: - the configuration file backup and restore quickly - Plugin system - SSL plugins, plugin Basic_Auth, Mono plugins, Logging Plugin-Apache start/stop and status-SSH Handling - Localization

Let us try, in this case the author is trying to use Ubuntu 8.10.

  $ sudo apt-get install rapache 

[sudo] password for: Building dependency tree Reading state information ... Done
If the pitch has been installed correctly .. we can try it out .. System application menu click Tools ⇒⇒ Rapache configuration will look to create a Virtual rapache host, we can press the menu and new look akan VirtualHost Editor Enter a domain name and want the location.

You can also change the Definition file without having to enter in the command-line with their definition of the File menu click Virtual Editor If we are asked to restart apache s

We can try to open a web browser we beautiful. and mengetikan http://localhost/ on the page url

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Tips Ubuntu System Optimization

Optimization Filesystem Directory
  • Booting the computer system you are using a live CD. Then go to the terminal. Use the Application menu > Accessories > Terminal;
  • Then login as root with the command;
$ sudo su
  • See the partition in which you want to optimize the command;
$ fdisk-l
  • For example we want to optimize the order of the directory on the partition /dev/sda1. Then run the command;
$ sd-e2fsck /dev/sda1
  • Following information;
D-means to optimize directory in the filesystem. E2fsck optimize the way to re-directory, or to sort and mengkompress directory smaller. To re-order with your filesystem, the file system more responsive feel.

Using noatime and writeback for ext3 and reiserfs Optimization

1.To enable writeback noatime and you can edit the fstab configuration file. Type the following command

$ sudo gedit /etc/fstab

2.Examples of line fstab add the following options noatime and writeback;

UUID = 3eb414ba-5198-4c1f-9e3d-e91675329f83 / ext3 defaults, data = writeback, noatime, errors = remount-ro 0 0

3.Then edit the grub configuration file, with the command;

$ sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst

4.Add the following lines;

rootflags = data = writeback

5.Then run the command;

$ sudo update-grub

6.When you use the ext3 filesystem, use the command;

$ sudo tune2fs-o journal_data_writeback /dev/sda1

7.Then reboot your system back. If correct, then access to audio, images and video will be felt more quickly.

Optimize Swap

If you are using the command 'top', the memory on the PC look as though exhausted, the most in its cache. Cache memory is used by Linux system for the time used again, the memory cache will be used by the application. Linux system using the memory of 'nothing' in the RAM as a cache application.

1.Now edit the sysctl.conf file, command;

$ sudo gedit /etc/sysctl.conf

2.If your computer has a memory that hand to mouth, and do not want to use the swap cache, add the line;

vm.swappiness = 0

3.Conversely, if you have a great memory, and you want to optimize your use of the cache to add the line;

vm.swappiness = 100

Booting speed
Dual Core Processor Optimization

If you have a computer with a dual core processor, you can utilize to process your order faster booting.

1.Open your terminal, then edit the file with the command rc;

$ sudo gedit /etc/init.d/rc

2.On the line CONCURRENCY = none to change into


Concurrency own means to do together, in this case the process of booting will conducted by two parallel processor is so much faster.

Using the package preload

preload is a package that is used to optimize the process of booting and application startup. To install, run the command preload

$ sudo apt-get install preload

Once installed preload akan walk alone, you do not need to do any configuration, because developernya has mengoptimasikan preload it. Or if you want to open the configuration file

$ sudo gedit /etc/preload.conf

Cache model (system) settings
20 [seconds]

How often Preload will query your system to update it's about model programs and libraries to cache.

168 [hours]

How often Preload will begin to "forget" about old data; for each halflife, the Statistical relevance of the current model loses 50% of its Importance.

2000000 [bytes]

The minimum amount of system calls an application makes for it to be considered by Preload. A smaller number will mean Preload caches smaller applications, while to make Preload cache only larger applications, increase this number.

Memory settings

The formula used to determine the maximum available memory available to Preload is:
(Total RAM model.memtotal x) + (RAM available at start model.memfree x) + (x model.memcached Cached memory)

To monitor the activities of preload you can see lognya. In the terminal use the command

$ sudo tail-f /var/log/preload.log

Preload can use to optimize your system startup time. Since most computers currently have a large RAM, preload utilize this RAM to be used optimally.
Using the profile option on the Grub

You can also make you a boot, so kedepannya podići akan read files stored profile. To create a profile in the grub boot screen, press e on the line

/ boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-16-generic root = UUID = 3eb414ba-5198-4c1f-9e3d-e91675329f83 ro splash = verbose vga = 794

at the end of the line add the word profile. Then press b to membooting system. When the process of booting, booting the system will learn what will be done and then read it back to booting the next process.
Disabling IPv6

The defaut Ubuntu enable IPv6 protocol, you must create a file to block this protocol.

1.Type the command in the terminal;

$ sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/bad_list

2. then add the line;

alias net-pf-10 off

3. Then save.

Using the package prelink

1.install prelink package with the command sudo apt-get install prelink
2.and open the prelink configuration file with the command sudo gedit/etc/default/prelink
3.Change the line to be unknown PRELINKING = PRELINKING = yes
4.To run the prelink run command sudo /etc/cron.daily/prelink
5.Then a quick prelink will run prelink daily, usually at day (less than 1 min),

while every 14 days full prelink will run. You can change the time on the prelink crontabUbuntu Desktop Optimization Walk To have maximum

Using Package Ubuntutweak

In addition to manual optimization, you can also use the Ubuntu package Optimization, the application that is often used Ubuntu Tweak. You can download it at

Turn off animation

At the time of your application meminimize usually appears before the animation minimize application down to the taskbar. To remove the animation, you can set via gconf-editor application.

1.Press the Alt + F2 and type gconf-editor;
2.Then select apps/Metacity/general;
3.Then check on the Reduced Resources;
4.Then, check the desktop/gnome/interface/enable_animations

If the animation will be an impact on the loss of animation at the time of the window, which appears to be a box when the window is moved.

In addition, other options for the desktop among menbuat lightly (use with caution):

  • /apps/Metacity/general/compositing_manager is set to False, non-switch in the bottom of the window shade
  • /desktop/gnome/interface/enable_animations similar to the above
  • /desktop/gnome/interface/menus_have_icons turn off the icons in the menu
  • /apps/panel/global/keep_menus_in_memory
  • /apps/panel/global/disabled_applets
  • /apps/panel/global/tooltips_enabled
  • /desktop/gnome/sound/event_sounds

Secure Desktop
Using Package Pessulus (Lockdown Editor)

To maintain the display panel on the desktop that does not change, you can use the package pessulus.

1.Install with the command;

$ sudo apt-get install pessulus

2.Pessulus run by clicking the System menu >Administration >Lockdown Editor;
3.In the menu on the panel checkboard Lock down the panels.

Using a script deepfreeze

In addition to using pessulus to secure your desktop there are other ways that can be used to secure your desktop that is using a bash script that the script is often called deepfreeze. There are so many script deepfreeze for linux is available on the internet, one of the example script deepfreeze used by UGOS is seebagai following:

2 | #! / bin / bash
3 |########################
4 | # # Script to backup file mekstract-an .. in other words, to apply freeze its
5 | # # "deepfreeze" format into the tar-ball
6 |########################
7 | # This script still are heavy development
8 | # Any hope of damage by itself
9 | # and all the bugs please immediately reported
10 | # to make this script
11 | # hehehe
12 | #
13 | # This script in rencakanan for
14 | # to be able to work with advance ..
15 | # But if this fails, O ...
16 | # risk that: D
17 | #
18 | # script created by fathirhamdi
19 | # ubuntu feisty optimum for 7:04
20 |
21 |
22 | # define the first name of the user
23 | # want to freeze in -
24 | user = "ugos";
25 | # des group name
26 | group = $ user;
27 | # describe the folder name
28 | # in the user's home / home
29 | home = $ user;
30 |
31 |############################################
32 | # # merevert this section to the configuration # #
33 | # # associated with the gnome and the user # #
34 |############################################
35 | # remove the default configuration Xserver
36 | rm-v /home/ $ home/.dmrc
37 | rm-v /home/ $ home/.ICEauthority
38 | # this section to merevert desktop icon
39 | rm-rv / home / $ home / Desktop / *
40 | tar-same-owner-same-permissions-jxvf /root/backup-desktop.tar.bz2-C /home/ home $ /
41 | chown-v $ user: $ group/home/ home $ /
42 |
43 | sleep 2
44 |
45 | echo-e "#######################################"
46 | echo-e "# extract image freeze finished! #"
47 | echo-e "# safely enjoy the boot process #"
48 | echo-e "# ^ _ ^ v #"
49 | echo-e "# thank #"
50 | echo-e "#######################################"
51 | sleep 1

The main purpose this script deepfreeze restore the configuration is actually home user that has been previously dibackup. Configuration is made in bntuk tar-ball which is then extracted again when gdm (gnome desktop) to stop.

Backup the configuration from the user's home that was made in the form of a tarball (. Tar.bz2) in store in the / root. Deepfreeze and then the script is in the /etc/init.d/gdm stop at the gdm is disabled so that when this script and work to restore the original configuration.
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