Before you can create a sharing with samba, and the user must have write access to the configuration in the sharing folder /var/lib/samba/usershares. So that the user has write access (Write) in the samba configuration, add the group to become user group sambashare
To access the samba folder sharing on ubuntu Hardy/Intrepid, using the default username and password, you can also share access without a username and password with the option to enable Guest Access.
Steps to start sharing files samba Graphical mode;
1. Right-click on a folder that you want akan sharing, select the Sharing Options
2. Sharing Option on the window, check Share this share in the Fold
3. If your PC is samba not installed, the system will automatically request a confirmation installation repository via the nearest
4. Verification session to restart your pc, so that samba can run
5. Sharing options in the window, there is also the option Access Guest, with this option all the people can see the contents of the folder sharing
6. After installation sharing service, then you must give the user access rights to write into the configuration folder /var/lib/samba/usershares. If not already have access rights window will display the message sharing, such as under
7. Go to Menu → System Administration → Users and Groups, then click unlock keys and enter the password for the user can change the properties
8. Click manage groups, and then on the select list sambausers group (bottom line)
9. Then click on the group sambausers ganda, and enter the user group on the samba user with check
10. Logout and login again to apply changes. Check back with sharing a folder as in step 1 above.
Steps samba sharing text mode;
To access the samba folder sharing on ubuntu Hardy/Intrepid, using the default username and password, you can also share access without a username and password with the option to enable Guest Access.
Steps to start sharing files samba Graphical mode;
1. Right-click on a folder that you want akan sharing, select the Sharing Options
2. Sharing Option on the window, check Share this share in the Fold
3. If your PC is samba not installed, the system will automatically request a confirmation installation repository via the nearest
4. Verification session to restart your pc, so that samba can run
5. Sharing options in the window, there is also the option Access Guest, with this option all the people can see the contents of the folder sharing
6. After installation sharing service, then you must give the user access rights to write into the configuration folder /var/lib/samba/usershares. If not already have access rights window will display the message sharing, such as under
7. Go to Menu → System Administration → Users and Groups, then click unlock keys and enter the password for the user can change the properties
8. Click manage groups, and then on the select list sambausers group (bottom line)
9. Then click on the group sambausers ganda, and enter the user group on the samba user with check
10. Logout and login again to apply changes. Check back with sharing a folder as in step 1 above.
Steps samba sharing text mode;
1.Install samba server
$ sudo apt-get install samba
2.give samba password
$ sudo smbpasswd-a USERNAME
3.Edit smb.conf file
$ sudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf
4.then add the following line at the bottom of the smb.conf file;
path = /home/USERNAME/test
available = yes
valid users = USERNAME
read only = no
browsable = yes
public = yes
writable = yes
5.Restart Samba
$ sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart
6.Run the testparm command to see the results
$ testparm
Using System-Config-Samba
You can also use a utility system-config-samba to configure samba, including write and add samba user password.
Install system-config-samba to use Synaptic or the command;
$ sudo apt-get install system-config-samba
Run system-config-samba on the menu → System → Administrations samba
Utility requires sudo access, enter your password when prompted. Next display system-config-samba
To change the user password or add a samba user, select the menu → Preferences Samba users.
View results Samba Sharing
To check the results of sharing in Ubuntu, you open nautilus. On the left side panel [F9], click the network icon
Or you can click on the icon on the top left of the nautilus, the location type SMB:// o see all the sharing on the local network.
To see through the sharing of text, type the command smbtree, such as the example below;
Network File System (NFS)
View results Samba Sharing
To check the results of sharing in Ubuntu, you open nautilus. On the left side panel [F9], click the network icon
Or you can click on the icon on the top left of the nautilus, the location type SMB:// o see all the sharing on the local network.
To see through the sharing of text, type the command smbtree, such as the example below;
$ smbtree
\\UGOS-UBUNTU ugos-ubuntu server (Samba, Ubuntu)
\\UGOS-UBUNTU\Print_to_PDF Print to a PDF File
\\UGOS-UBUNTU\LaserJet-manda LaserJet-manda
\\UGOS-UBUNTU\LaserJet-1022a LaserJet-1022a
\\UGOS-UBUNTU\LaserJet-1022-new LaserJet-1022-new
\\UGOS-UBUNTU\LaserJet-1022-1 LaserJet-1022-1
\\UGOS-UBUNTU\Color-LaserJet-4700 Color-LaserJet-4700
\\UGOS-UBUNTU\printer hp-1020
\\UGOS-UBUNTU\print$ Printer Drivers
\\UGOS-UBUNTU\IPC$ IPC Service (ugos-ubuntu server (Samba, Ubuntu))
\\PRASTOWO-LAPTOP prastowo-laptop server (Samba, Ubuntu)
cli_start_connection: failed to connect to PRASTOWO-LAPTOP<20> ( Error NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME
\\PPTIK pptik server (Samba, Ubuntu)
\\PPTIK\LaserJet_6L laser-jet-tempat-bu-muhar
\\PPTIK\IPC$ IPC Service (pptik server (Samba, Ubuntu))
\\PPTIK\print$ Printer Drivers
\\NUNUG-DESKTOP nunug-desktop server (Samba, Ubuntu)
\\NUNUG-DESKTOP\printer hp-1020
\\NUNUG-DESKTOP\IPC$ IPC Service (nunug-desktop server (Samba, Ubuntu))
\\NUNUG-DESKTOP\print$ Printer Drivers
\\MANDA-DESKTOP manda-desktop server (Samba, Ubuntu)
\\MANDA-DESKTOP\printer hp-1020
\\MANDA-DESKTOP\LaserJet-1022 LaserJet-1022-new
\\MANDA-DESKTOP\IPC$ IPC Service (manda-desktop server (Samba, Ubuntu))
\\MANDA-DESKTOP\print$ Printer Drivers
\\LEPPINYAAFIA leppinyaAfia server (Samba, Ubuntu)
Network File System (NFS)
In addition to using samba, you can also create a file server with NFS. The concept is offered by nfs we can create a file server and the permissions read-write based on the ip / user and user quotas.
NFS was developed with the goal of a computer can mount the partition or directory on another computer as if the directory or partition is located on the local hard disk. In other words NFS aims to sharing files between computers.
In terms of security, NFS also allows people to make modifications in the directory or disk that is mounted such as deleting files, reading private documents that are on the disk directory or the mount, and so forth, but this can be prevented if we configure the NFS true.
NFS also be made to run on Unix environment. In other words apaun type of operating system as long as you meet the POSIX standard, then you can use to share files with NFS denggunakan. Operating systems are Linux, Family Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD), Family Unix (Tru64 Unix, HP-UX, AIX, IRIX) and Sun Family (Solaris, SunOS).
There are several technologies for use in addition to file NFS, Samba just call made to the Windows environment, Andrew File System which was developed by IBM with open source licenses, and the Coda File System developed by the University.
Setting NFS Server
Installing NFS Server
To create an NFS server, the previous first need to install the package nfs server with the name of the package nfs-kernel-server. How can use Synaptic installasinya via System → Administration → Synaptic Package Manager. Note the picture below;
Package we will install the nfs-common and nfs-kernel-server. Package nfs-common functions as the client will mount the filesystem on the network, while the package nfs-kernel-server as a server that provides service to serve in the mounting directory server.
For installation use the terminal, run the command;
NFS server configuration
After the installation process, then you must configure the file /etc/exports. General syntax you can use are;
workstation1 directory (opsi1) workstation2 (opsi2)1.
Directory: directory name that will be shared. Aturannya here, if you are sharing a parent directory, all directories below it will also follow-share pitch.
2.workstation1 and workstation2: the name of the client are allowed to access the directory above. Name here can be a domain name or IP address of the workstation.
3.opsi1 and opsi2: the right choice here menentukkan workstation access to the directory of the share. Some of the options that can be used are:
ro: read-only. So that clients only have read rights only. This is the default option.
rw: the client has rights to read and write to the directory share.
no_root_squash: root on the client computer will have the same rights with the root on the NFS server.
no_subtree_check: NFS usually have a mechanism that checks whether the files will include the client requested that the share. With this option it will speed up the transfer process, because the checks will be abolished.
sync for synchronization between the changes made by the client with the actual directory on the server.
Sample Steps NFS server configuration;
1.Open the file /etc/exports with the command
2.Add a line like the example below, adjust the network and the folder that you want in sharing
3.Service nfs restart the server with the command
Accessing the sharing of NFS Client
Settings on the NFS client is quite simple. We use the mount command, commonly used for mounting filesystems. For example the following:
Before we mount a nfs directory, we first create the directory we will use to mount, as the above example we created the name of the folder /media/data-share-the client.
All data is in the directory /media/data-share on the server will automatically be in the directory /media/data-share-client
For unmounting then we simply type the following command:
Next steps automatically mounting nfs sharing at the time of booting
1.Edit the file /etc/fstab
2.add mount options on the bottom line, like the example below (no match ip and folder disharing) /media/data-share/media/data-share-client nfs rw, users, noauto 0 0
3.Restart your PC
Previous note also that if the folder in the share can be written or can only be read only. Can only be read if only the change ro into rw. In this way then if we want to live to see the folder you just click on the file browser.
Share files with the Giver
Through a special protocol giver, you can membroadcast the desired folder sharing overlooks one pc in local network. To view/retrieve the file that disharing from the client application must also use the giver.
Unfortunately, the package is available only Giver in Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex. In short, the Giver file sharing can only be done between the PC operating system with Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex.
Install Giver with Synaptic, or using the command;
Applications that have already installed in the menu Applications → Internet → Giver
Sources :
NFS was developed with the goal of a computer can mount the partition or directory on another computer as if the directory or partition is located on the local hard disk. In other words NFS aims to sharing files between computers.
In terms of security, NFS also allows people to make modifications in the directory or disk that is mounted such as deleting files, reading private documents that are on the disk directory or the mount, and so forth, but this can be prevented if we configure the NFS true.
NFS also be made to run on Unix environment. In other words apaun type of operating system as long as you meet the POSIX standard, then you can use to share files with NFS denggunakan. Operating systems are Linux, Family Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD), Family Unix (Tru64 Unix, HP-UX, AIX, IRIX) and Sun Family (Solaris, SunOS).
There are several technologies for use in addition to file NFS, Samba just call made to the Windows environment, Andrew File System which was developed by IBM with open source licenses, and the Coda File System developed by the University.
Setting NFS Server
Installing NFS Server
To create an NFS server, the previous first need to install the package nfs server with the name of the package nfs-kernel-server. How can use Synaptic installasinya via System → Administration → Synaptic Package Manager. Note the picture below;
Package we will install the nfs-common and nfs-kernel-server. Package nfs-common functions as the client will mount the filesystem on the network, while the package nfs-kernel-server as a server that provides service to serve in the mounting directory server.
For installation use the terminal, run the command;
$ sudo apt-get install nfs-common nfs-kernel-server
NFS server configuration
After the installation process, then you must configure the file /etc/exports. General syntax you can use are;
workstation1 directory (opsi1) workstation2 (opsi2)1.
Directory: directory name that will be shared. Aturannya here, if you are sharing a parent directory, all directories below it will also follow-share pitch.
2.workstation1 and workstation2: the name of the client are allowed to access the directory above. Name here can be a domain name or IP address of the workstation.
3.opsi1 and opsi2: the right choice here menentukkan workstation access to the directory of the share. Some of the options that can be used are:
ro: read-only. So that clients only have read rights only. This is the default option.
rw: the client has rights to read and write to the directory share.
no_root_squash: root on the client computer will have the same rights with the root on the NFS server.
no_subtree_check: NFS usually have a mechanism that checks whether the files will include the client requested that the share. With this option it will speed up the transfer process, because the checks will be abolished.
sync for synchronization between the changes made by the client with the actual directory on the server.
Sample Steps NFS server configuration;
1.Open the file /etc/exports with the command
$ sudo gedit /etc/exports
2.Add a line like the example below, adjust the network and the folder that you want in sharing
/home/share-data (rw) (ro)
/usr/local * (rw)
/media/data (ro, sync)
3.Service nfs restart the server with the command
$ sudo/etc/init.d/nfs-server restart
Accessing the sharing of NFS Client
Settings on the NFS client is quite simple. We use the mount command, commonly used for mounting filesystems. For example the following:
$ sudo mount-t nfs /media/data-share/media/data-share-client
Before we mount a nfs directory, we first create the directory we will use to mount, as the above example we created the name of the folder /media/data-share-the client.
All data is in the directory /media/data-share on the server will automatically be in the directory /media/data-share-client
For unmounting then we simply type the following command:
$ sudo umount/media/data-share-client
Next steps automatically mounting nfs sharing at the time of booting
1.Edit the file /etc/fstab
$ sudo gedit /etc/fstab
2.add mount options on the bottom line, like the example below (no match ip and folder disharing) /media/data-share/media/data-share-client nfs rw, users, noauto 0 0
3.Restart your PC
Previous note also that if the folder in the share can be written or can only be read only. Can only be read if only the change ro into rw. In this way then if we want to live to see the folder you just click on the file browser.
Share files with the Giver
Through a special protocol giver, you can membroadcast the desired folder sharing overlooks one pc in local network. To view/retrieve the file that disharing from the client application must also use the giver.
Unfortunately, the package is available only Giver in Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex. In short, the Giver file sharing can only be done between the PC operating system with Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex.
Install Giver with Synaptic, or using the command;
$ Sudo apt-get install giver
Applications that have already installed in the menu Applications → Internet → Giver
Sources :
very usefull!!!!
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