Install Back Track One Partiotion In Ubuntu

First you must install ubuntu, if not already installed. Ubuntu does not have to do, which is important grub boot loader.
Next, backtrack booting with the cd, at the boot selection mode, press tab to see a cheatcode (boot parameters). Copy lwngkap with all the details. I choose the BT3 Graphics Mode (KDE). If you like fluxbox, select the fluxbox.

/boot/vmlinuz vga = 0x317 initrd = /boot/ initrd.gz ramdisk_size = 6666 root = /dev/ram0 rw autoexec = xconf; kde

If the copy is complete, restart the computer and log in to ubuntu.
Login as root to make it more easy, wat through the terminal. Copy the contents backtrack 3 cd laitu boot and BT3 folders to the root directory (/). wat kn seme with the boot folder is ubuntu? Rename the folder boot backtrack, ie its btboot. Hmm, now fill in the down / so the gross, never mind. Do we need to run in btboot as to install the flash? No need to, the following action was foolish and will remove the hard disk MBR.

Now, open the file /boot/grub/menu.lst, look at this line:

title Ubuntu 8:10 Intrepid Ibex, kernel 2.6.27-7-generic
uuid xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
kernel / boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-7-generic root = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ro quiet splash
initrd / boot/initrd.img-2.6.27-7-generic

copy of this paper and place the two lines below. And change based on information from the boot parameters backtrack.

title Back | Track 3 Final [test mode]
kernel /btboot/vmlinuz root = /dev/ram0 ramdisk_size = 6666 rw autoexec = xconf; kde
initrd / btboot/initrd.gz

xxx that I write is actually a list of numbers and letters as the identity partition. You can change the /dev/sda1, for example, and delete the line uuid. I see that the parameters are collected in the kernel, then I put in the boot parameters backtrack the same line. You see a persamaanya? vmlinuz-2.6.27-7generic property vmlinuz ubuntu and slax property. Sure that the same thing. Write a suitable location, eg under the earlier btboot folder. Similarly in the initrd file, backtrack also have the same namanye. I still write ramdisk_size = 6666 due to still akan backtrack this way as a livecd.

Now restart and cuba podići through these new options. You will get a backtrack live cd is running without the cd. If it fails, for example, do not panic, you may be wrong. please check back. The same may be done with slax distribution, distribution of the same backtrack.

Happy Testing...!!!

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