Install Wordpress In Ubuntu Jaunty (9.04) Using Xampp 1.7

First we download files from the wordpress later after downloaded, we extract the wordpress files in the extensions .Zip. The next step is to open a terminal and copy or move (I prefer to move) the folder to your wordpress directory /opt/lampp/htdocs. type command sudo mv wordpress /opt/lampp/htdocs. Before proceeding to the installation process we open the browser and typing the url http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ and create a database, eg the name we give wordpress.

After the database has finished running, we continue with the installation process with the previous permission wordpress folder with a 775 command

$ sudo chmod-R 775 /opt/lampp/htdocs/wordpress

Then we open the browser and mengetikan address http://localhost/wordpress if you get a text like this:

"There does not seem to be a wp-config.php file. I need this before we can get started. Need more help? We got it. You can create a wp-config.php file through a web interface, but this does not work for all server setups. The safest way is to manually create the file ".

click the option create a configuration file to the bottom of the text, if in fact appear a message like this:

"Sorry, I can not write to the directory. You'll have to either change the permissions on your WordPress directory or create your wp-config.php manually "

We are typing the command:

$ sudo chmod-R 777 / opt/lampp/htdocs/wordpress

At this stage you can install WordPress with the normal. but if the regular things you still can not install trying to do tricks to this one:

entrance to the wordpress directory, open and save the file wp-config-sample.php into wp-config.php with the previous edit a few lines, fill in the name of the database and put us as the root user and password empty the room.

Before edit:

define ( 'db_name', 'putyourdbnamehere'); //The name of the database

define ( 'DB_USER', 'usernamehere'); //Your MySQL username

define ( 'DB_Password,' 'yourpasswordhere'); // ... and password

define ( 'DB_Host', 'localhost'); //99% chance you will not need to change this value

define ( 'DB_CHARSET', 'UTF8');

define ( 'DB_COLLATE', ");

After editing:

define ( 'db_name', 'wordpress'); //The name of the database

(the name that we created DB)

define ( 'DB_USER', 'root'); //Your MySQL username

(root user is the default)

define ( 'DB_Password', "); // ... and password


define ( 'DB_Host', 'localhost'); //99% chance you will not need to change this value

define ( 'DB_CHARSET', 'UTF8');

define ( 'DB_COLLATE', ");

We continue with the next step into the directory /wordpress/wp-admin and open the file setup-config.php. In the few lines below, we change the target file wp-config-sample.php with the wp-config.php.

Before edit:

if (! file_exists ('../ wp-config-sample.php '))

wp_die ( 'Sorry, I need a wp-config-file sample.php to work from. Please re-upload this file from your WordPress installation.');

$ configFile = file ('../ wp-config-sample.php ');

after editing:


if (! file_exists ('../ wp-config.php '))

wp_die ( 'Sorry, I need a wp-config-file sample.php to work from. Please re-upload this file from your WordPress installation.');

$ configFile = file ('../ wp-config.php ');

we continue with the next step into the directory / wordpress / wp-admin and open the file setup-config.php. In the few lines below, we change the target file wp-config-sample.php with the wp-config.php.

Before edit:

if (! file_exists ('../ wp-config-sample.php '))

wp_die ( 'Sorry, I need a wp-config-file sample.php to work from. Please re-upload this file from your WordPress installation.');

$ configFile = file ('../ wp-config-sample.php ');

after editing:

if (! file_exists ('../ wp-config.php '))

wp_die ( 'Sorry, I need a wp-config-file sample.php to work from. Please re-upload this file from your WordPress installation.');

$ configFile = file ('../ wp-config.php ');

Congratulations, at this stage have wordpress installed on your OS UbuntuME. now you can log in and learning to use wordpress to learn its function and function-the ability to train your blogging

do not forget to change the password given at the time of registration with a password of your liking, and change the permission folder wp-content to be accessible to all users, or you will not be able to upload media (images, music, flash etc) I open a terminal and go to wordpress folder your typing the command sudo chmod ugo + rwx wp-content.

Happy Testing...!!

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