How to Detect Hardware on Ubuntu Maverick Merkaat (10.10)

This time I want to share tips with you, how to detect keyboard in ubuntu .. for the first time you install ubuntu or you install a laptop / computer, so you do not know the specifications of the computer being installed ubuntu.

There is a miraculous way in ubuntu to detect the hardware or view specification laptop / computer. Immediately, we try :

First Step :

Using the application "lshw", this application-based terminal, so you can see the specifications of the laptop / computer using the terminal. How to install :

$ sudo su
$ apt-get install lshw

How to view the specifications with the command :

$ lshw

There are additional to view it using gedit, by type :

$ lshw > ~/Desktop/Spesc.txt

Second Step :

Using the lshw GUI-based application, the first way is to use a terminal mode. The second way to use GUI. To install it :

$ apt-get install lshw-gtk

Here is preview :

Happy Testing...!!
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Login to Ubuntu Using Face Recognition in Ubuntu Maverick Meerkat 10.10

In this post we will share tips to you I login in ubuntu using face verification. Surely you have to know? for those of you who do not know. I will try to share with you. Immediately, we begin.

Go to terminal, login as root by type :

$ sudo su

Then add third party from the PPA repository and update the repository using command :

$ apt-add-repository ppa:antonio.chiurazzi/ppa
$ apt-get update

Then install the application face trainer with the command :

$ apt-get install pam-face-authentication

When finished installing, now we add a configuration file for the "gdm and su", this configuration is to run the application face trainer to get the road when the gdm login, type the command :

$ gedit /etc/pam.d/gdm

Add "auth sufficient enableX" top row without "" (quotation). Then edit one file again :

$ gedit /etc/pam.d/su

Add "auth sufficient enableX" most of the same row without a sign "" (quotation).

Configuration :

Open Applications> Other> Qt Face Trainer, then the settings and input your photo here :

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Finish and happy Testing...!!
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Install Ubuntu Tweak 0.5.10 in Ubuntu Maverick Meerkat 10.10

Have not been posting here, because now to configure is user friendly, is easy and not complicated like the Ubuntu version of 7.10 Under. This time we will discuss how to install Ubuntu Tweak 0.5.10 version of the latest release.

First open a terminal and login as root by type :

$ sudo su

And Add Thir Party Repository by Type :

$ add-apt-repository ppa:tualatrix/ppa

Update repository then install ubuntu tweak 0.5.10 by type :

$ apt-get update 
$ apt-get install ubuntu-tweak

And Finish...!! You also can install manually by download deb package ubuntu tweak here :
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